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Replace characters in EPG ?


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Hello, Czech EPG is broadcasted with non-standard characters and to proper display all czech characters DVB software or set top box have to "adjust" (replace) them.


Is there a way to support this in DVBViewer, please? It would be really great if this could be implemented on software side. I've tried manual way with exporting, replacing chars, importing, but it required lot of 3rd party tools and didn't quite work like supposed to (overwritten EPG from TS etc.)


Following list includes all characters which needs to be replaced (first row) for proper characters (second row). all case sensitive.


Âa  ->  á
Âe  ->  é
Âi  ->  í
Âo  ->  ó
Âu  ->  ú
Ây  ->  ý
ÂA  ->  Á
ÂE  ->  É
ÂI  ->  Í
ÂO  ->  Ó
ÂU  ->  Ú
ÂY  ->  Ý
Ďc  ->  č
ĎC  ->  Č
Ďd  ->  ď
ĎD  ->  Ď
Ďe  ->  ě
ĎE  ->  Ě
Ďn  ->  ň
ĎN  ->  Ň
Ďr  ->  ř
ĎR  ->  Ř
Ďs  ->  š
ĎS  ->  Š
Ďt  ->  ť
ĎT  ->  Ť
Ďz  ->  ž
ĎZ  ->  Ž
Ęu  ->  ů


Thanks, JK.

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I've found out it character replacement could be related to this ISO standard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_6937

It looks like some providers are broadcasting in different character sets (some even combines both ISO 8859-2 + ISO_6937 as you can check in provided EPG.dat) , which makes it hard to get all EPG characters displayed right at same time for DVBViewer. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...
How it works?

I replace epg.dat in DVBViewer program directory but its dont work, no Czech chracters.

Or its not implemented yet?

Pleas can you help?


it's not implemented yet, i provided that file as sample to help hackbart.

hopefully it will be looked for and working someday. just give it a time ;)

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